
The National Arts Program

It’s Friday afternoon on September 11, and I’m sitting on my desk contemplating on the tragic NYC events that happened 14 years ago, two days before my first born was about to arrive into this world. It still feels deeply sad.

My computer beeps – a new email has come in. It’s a wonderfully warm spoken stranger introducing herself to me. Her name is Maren and she eagerly asks to spotlight me on the National Arts Program website. I smile. I love when unexpected offers like this come on a day I feel sad. I agree immediately and she sends over a bunch of interview questions for me to answer for this feature. It’ll be on the front page of the website for a month and sent in the monthly newsletter. Maren passionately writes that they have almost ten thousand email subscribers. I pause for few seconds to contemplate the excitement that exudes from between the lines on my computer screen. I then start writing my answers…

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